Emanuela Zappalà, Ilaria Viola, Paola Aiello


Despite its impact, it seems that Perspective Taking (PT) has rarely been investigated in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; Cardillo, Erbì & Mammarella, 2020), whose social impairment may be associated with difficulties in perspective taking tasks, as suggested by Frith and de Vignemont (2005). Moreover, according to several neuroscientific research, PT is a fundamental prerequisite for social, empathic, motor and academic skills, as well as visuospatial working memory, perceptual learning and agency (Berthoz, 2006; Cardillo, Erbì, & Mammarella, 2020; Di Tore, Aiello, Sibilio, Berthoz, 2020; Sulpizio et al., 2015), and it may be promoted using edugames with a virtual avatar (Berthoz, 2015). Therefore, this investigation will survey the existing literature on PT and social skills of pupils with ASD to reflect on the potential to use evidence-based edugame to foster these skills and their inclusive potential.


Evidence-based practice; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Inclusion

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v6i1.591


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