The Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics gives the opportunity to create a space for sharing by placing the topic of health education at the center of scientific research. Through the study of Educational Neuroscience and new technologies, it aims to deepen the centrality of movement and corporeity in education, with particular attention to special pedagogy.
The European policy model developed by WHO urges all governments to take concrete actions, in all sectors, at all levels and in every country, involving stakeholders, so that all citizens can benefit from a better quality of life. Therefore, it is intended to promote a new lifestyle of regular movement and equal rights to sports practice in order to promote the extension of the average age of the individual.
Scientific research on Educational Neuroscience applied to these areas, both nationally and internationally, is flourishing, cross-cutting and of a good level, and in this perspective it can contribute to the push that the WHO wants to give to the educational conception of movement.
In this context, it becomes essential to take into account the influence and impact of new technologies and how they can be pervasive and fruitful in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective that, taking into account their risks and potential, can generate a more complete and effective research work.
The journal is aimed at researchers, educators, trainers and teachers; it publishes original empirical research papers, case studies and experiences, critical and systematic studies, adapted translations and brief reports on recent developments in these sectors.
The goal is to spread scientific and methodological culture, to encourage debate and stimulate new research.
EDITOR IN CHIEF Francesco Peluso Cassese (Pegaso University - Italy)
CO-EDITOR Domenico Tafuri (University of Naples “Parthenope” - Italy)
Beatrice Aurelia Abalasei (Alexandra Ioan Cuza University - Romania), Paola Aiello (University of Salerno – Italy), Maurizio Alì (University of Antilles – FR), Antonio Ascione (University of Bari “Aldo Moro” - Italy), Antonio Borgogni (University of Bergamo – Italy), Mark Breslin (University of Glasgow- UK), Javier Brazo-Sayavera (University of the Republic of Uruguay), Patrizia Belfiore (University of Naples “Parthenope” - Italy), Nadia Carlomagno (University Suor Orsola Benincasa Naples Italy), Onofrio Antonio Catalano (University of Harvard-USA), Andrea Ceciliani (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna - Italy), Dario Colella (University of Salento - Italy), Antonia Cunti (University of Naples “Parthenope” - Italy), Paola Damiani (University of Modena Reggio Emilia - Italy), Henriette Danes (University of Eotvos - Hungary), Delio De Martino (Foggia University - Italy) Davide Di Palma (Vanvitelli University - Italy), Alfredo Pio Di Tore (Cassino University - Italy), Stefano Di Tore (Salerno University), Monica Dragoicea (University Politehnica of Bucharest- Romania), Ario Federici (University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” - Italy), Francesco Fischetti (University of Bari “Aldo Moro” - Italy), Michela Galdieri (University of Salerno – Italy), Catia Giaconi (University of Macerata – Italy) Giancarlo Gola ( Supsi - Switzerland), Filippo Gomez Paloma (University of Macerata - Italy), Emilia Florina Grosu (Bolyai University - Romania), Luca Impara (Unicusano University - Italy), Pierpaolo Limone (Pegaso University - Italy), Anna Maria Mariani (University of Macerata - Italy; Niccolò Cusano University - Italy), Bela Molnar (University of Eotvos - Hungary), Stefania Morsanuto (Pegaso University - Italy), Madonna Giuseppe (University of Naples “Parthenope” - Italy) Agnes Nemeth-Toth (University of Budapest - Hungary), Goran Oreb (University of Zagreb - Croatia), Elvira Padua (San Raffaele Rome University - Italy), Valentina Perciavalle (University of Catania - Italy), Luigi Piceci (Unicusano University - Italy), Eliisa Pitkasalo (University of Tampere - Finland), Alessandra Priore (University of Reggio Calabria - Italy), Gaetano Raiola (Pegaso University), Pier Cesare Rivoltella (Cattolica University – Milan – Italy), Gabriella Rodolico (University of Glasgow UK), Maurizio Sibilio (University of Salerno - Italy), Antonio Donato Sciacovelli (University of Turku - Finland), Domenico Tafuri (University of Naples “Parthenope” - Italy), Michele Domenico Todino (University of Salerno – Italy), Mirela Vasilescu (University of Craiova - Romania).
MANAGING EDITOR Stefania Morsanuto (Pegaso University - Italy)
Elèna Cipollone, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome, Italy
Davide Di Palma, Vanvitelli University, Caserta, Italy
Anna Maria Mariani, Pegaso University – RENLab, Italy
Stefania Morsanuto, Pegaso University– RENLab, Italy
Francesco Tafuri, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome, Italy
Elisabetta Tombolini, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome, Italy
ISSN: 2532-3296
Quarterly Journal
- - First quarter FROM JANUARY 1st TO MARCH 31st
- - Second quarter FROM APRIL 1st TO JUNE 30th
- - Third quarter FROM JULY 1st TO SEPTEMBER 30th
- - Fourth quarter FROM OCTOBER 1st TO DECEMBER 31st
A Level Journal SSD 11/D1 11/D2- National Agency for Evalutation of Universities and Research Institutes
DOI® number
Each paper published in Italian Journal of Health Education, sports and inclusive didactics is assigned a DOI® number. The DOI of this journal is //
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