Is there a connection between active teaching methodologies and digital citizenship education?
We propose in this paper the results of an action-research conducted with 20 high school teachers in CITY to analyse the issue. During the training path that is part of the research actions, made of co-design activities, participants experienced two active methodologies (Problem Based Learning and Episodes of Situated Learning) and discussed tips for producing digital learning contents. The paper presents the results of the project’s first phase, aiming to encourage and support transforming teaching practices. The activities regard the interdisciplinary field of civic education, focusing specifically on digital citizenship, one of the three thematic cores of Law n. 92/2019. The changes related to technological development involve social, cultural, and educational implications to which the school responds by educating students with a critical sense and responsibility.
According to a design model already tested by the working group, the training was delivered in flipped mode with a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous online activities: teachers benefit from materials asynchronously before the live sessions in which experience and interaction are preferred. Live surveys, training activities, and focus groups provided teachers’ perception.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296