Moving from the awareness that the new didactics forms launched by the pandemic emergency require a radical attitude change by those who educate facing their own actions, the following notes try to reflect on the educator’s positioning and posture modalities with a specific pedagogical approach.
Standing at the margins of a versus logic that naively opposes presence and distance and reiterates the obsolete oppositions between technocrats and technophobes, both potentialities and criticalities of the different educational interaction forms will be identified from a critical-hermeneutic heuristic perspective, capable of interpreting and contextualising the new frontiers of media and ICT culturally and historically.
In fact, the specificity of the pedagogical or pedagogical-didactical word view on ICT lies in a constant discussion that makes use of the social-semiological and perceptive-technological dimensions, but it is also able to transcend them.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296