The influence of physical activity in resilience and coping strategies in adulthood

Anna Maria Mariani, Francesco Maria Melchiori, Federica Marcolongo


The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between the physical activity, linked to energy expenditure, and the development of resilience and adaptive coping strategies. Therefore, one more aim is to confirm the positive correlation between self-esteem and resilience. It is well known that sports and physical activity can play an important role in human health. It is not yet well defined if it is the energy and oxygen expenditure that bring benefits or the complexity of the movement, or a mix of both, in particular for resilience and coping strategies. Our sample is composed by 280 cases, all adults. The data has been collected using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Adult Resilience Measure, the Brief COPE Questionnaire and the IPAQ for physical activity. According to the results, there’s no correlation between physical activity / energy expenditure and resilience level and adaptive coping strategies. In this sense, new research are needed, involving different and more complex motor acts and different levels of energy expenditure.


physical activity, resilience, coping strategy, self-esteem, met

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