Ilaria Tosi, Francesco Casolo, Dario Cipani


In the educational field, the body has always been at the centre of numerous reflections and the current overcoming of dualism mind body is the result of a long and discontinuous path that has seen the succession of periods characterized by a strong enhancement of the body to others characterized, instead, by a greater attention to the more ascetic and spiritual aspects of the human being, In some cases even denying the body aspect. Here, the paper moves from an analysis of the body, the educational models and their implications in the motor field and highlights the need to think about the relationship mind body even in a didactic context. The recent theories, supported also by the discoveries coming from the cognitive neuroscience, underline just as our cognitive processes are not independent, but strongly interrelated with the perceptive and motor systems, soliciting the didactic research-educational to investigate the role of the body within the process of formation of the person, trying to enhance the connections between mind and body to foster a more conscious and participated learning. These considerations open up the possibility of thinking about teaching and socio-educational intervention from new perspectives such as the embodied approach. It is necessary to continue to investigate the educational action from various angles by recognizing the body a fundamental role also in the learning processes. 


body, dualism, neurosciences, physical education, learning

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