Alessia Scarinci, Guendalina Peconio, Dario Lombardi, Francesca Finestrone


The first section of this contribution will be followed by an epistemological analysis of the dynamics, paradigms and canons that have influenced the definition and diffusion of the construct of inclusion in social and school contexts. It will deal with how neoliberal individualism and “ministerial pedagogy” have contributed to slowing down the emergence of the inclusive phenomenon, and how this has assumed a central role in the Italian social and scholastic framework only in the early nineties, owing to the spread of the model promoted in Disability Studies. The second section will deal with Disability Studies and how it has had an impact on mitigating the phenomenon of social and school segregation, promoting the diffusion of the social model and the concept of relative ability. The third section will elicit the characteristics of the inclusive approach in reference to the BES categories identified in the national and international scenario. The fourth and final section will deal with the methodological aspects and good practices useful for inclusive teaching.


Special Needs – Studi sulla disabilità - Inclusive education - Social model

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
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