Sara Rizzo, Salvatore Patera


More than a year after the introduction of compulsory distance learning (DL), what seemed to be an exceptional initiative is turning into an educational possibility for the next future. In this regard, documents produced by both international and national institutions and organisations and the recent scientific literature highlight the current importance of teacher training in order to promote a quality teaching-learning relationship. Starting from this premise, we present the results of a survey conducted through an exploratory questionnaire completed by about twenty thousand Italian secondary-school students. The research question aimed to explore the students' opinions on their experience of distance learning during the past school year. The results show two main profiles of students: the "critics" and the "enthusiasts" about the experience lived in DL. The discussion of such outcomes raises some theoretical and methodological issues, as well as some evidence useful to reflect on quality training for teachers, especially with the additional challenging opportunities offered by the pandemic


Distance learning, student opinion, teaching professionalism, teacher training

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