Societies are currently going through many challenges including the persisting Covid-19 pandemic (OECD, 2021a), the increase of AI affecting our lives (OECD, 2021b) and a longer life expectance. Developing Lifelong, Life-wide and Life-deep Learning as a lifestyle is crucial to make people resilient and to increase individual and social well-being (Aleandri, 2011), global development (Eurydice, 2021; UNESCO, 2021), the skills of learning to learn in a changing world (Delors, 1997; Morin, 2015). Educators and pedagogists are required both to learn pedagogical knowledge and to acquire required skills (Baldacci, 2010). Research skills maybe considered relevant socially (Margiotta, 2011). Exploratory quantitative/qualitative research was conducted to analyse students' awareness about their training in research skills during Bachelor and Master courses for educators and pedagogist. The main results have led us to propose more opportunities to deeper value their university educational paths.
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ISSN printed: 2532-3296