Fabio Orecchio


Disability management within educational sciences represents an integrated model that aims to move beyond a purely assistive approach, promoting inclusion, autonomy, and well-being for people with disabilities. This model is based on the cooperation of multidisciplinary actors with the objective of developing socio-educational policies focused on the rights and quality of life of individuals, while overcoming the fragmentation of services. In line with the goals of sustainable development and the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, disability management adopts a holistic approach to address the complex needs of users, ensuring an educational and community welfare system capable of including everyone. The literature review explored four main categories of management (educational management, integrated disability services management, educational planning for well-being, and interdisciplinary approach management), highlighting a strong convergence of principles such as inclusion, person-centered focus, and data-driven decision-making. The research confirms the need for a model that integrates education, health, and social inclusion to foster systemic change.

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
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