Elena Nicolai


Mentioning Ptolemy and the Almagest may ring a bell, but not many know he was brave since he had a black and thick beard, or that he had a scented breath and subtle feet. We find his “physiognomic portrait” in an ancient Arabic manuscript and in the cinquecentina that preserves the translation of Gerard of Cremona. Physiognomic is the art, close to medicine, that would infer psychic traits from the physical features and from the behaviours. A way of reading people: for example, we learn that straight hair on the head indicate stupidity, or that big eyes indicate laziness, etc.. Today, Ptolemy would be examined by an algorithm in interrelationship with the AI, and the results would be incorporated to Big Data. The AI changes the cognitive labour and erases body borders; it plays the role that once pertained to philosophy: on the basis of some information, the ability of deducing other information as a consequence. This essay analyses some aspects of this new artificial physiognomic.


AI, physiognomic, body, cognitive labour, EI

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
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