Rossella Marzullo


The topic of complex relationship between the individual and digital ecosystems is not only a social emergency to which pedagogy must try to give an answer, but has the great advantage of uniting the most recent scientific avant-gardes with the research tradition that introduced the approach bio-educational as an axis of investigation in the formation of the mind, increasingly placing the category of learning at the centre. A new socio-communicative modality has spread widely, closely related to digital technologies, which has generated a cognitive restructuring destined to produce real stable anthropological modifications in a short time, to which we must respond with a correct digital education. Educators of the third millennium are called to satisfy emerging socio-educational needs through processes of "critical literacy of technologies", aimed at promoting soft skills for the development of pro-social behaviors and for the prevention and containment of unprecedented manifestations of deviance which proliferate on the web.


Digital Education; New Deviance; Soft Skills

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