Franco Bruno Castaldo, Gabriele Elia Castaldo


Over the past fifty years, scientific research, has been (very) concerned with the improvement of achievements, and athletic performance; the rise and growth of the field of research related to the “multivalorial” world of sports, and especially the systemic approach related to it, today allow reflections aimed at the formulation of hypotheses for the use of sports as a component of the educational-pedagogical system oriented to the growth of the person. The ethics of sport is one of the disciplines that is having considerable importance in the scenario of what is now called sport studies, that is, human sciences applied to sport. The proposal we formulate, meets the support of a moral education for the person or the athlete, having as its starting point the Virtue Ethics up to the more recently rediscovered exemplarism of Linda Zagzebski, which has directed attention back to the theme of moral exemplarism and the admiration associated with it. We will consider, whether in the philosophy of education and/or behavior education proposing admirable examples can be a positive didactic to encourage the cultivation of virtues.


moral education; exemplarism; sport studies; didactics.

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