Over the past decade the scientific literature recognized the potentiality of physical education and sport for the integrated development of the person, highlighting the benefits on the different domains.
To achieve this, the participation in physical and sport activities alone is not enough, it is necessary to create quality learning environments with an adequate organizational structure supported by high-profile methodological-didactic skills of the practitioners.
This contribution focuses on the transfer process, that can and must be carried out so that the student can, through guided and representative experiences, be able to face the problematic situations of reality with a rational, creative, planning and critical attitude, reusing the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in training contexts.
Starting from an educational approach that frames the discipline of physical education as a methodological glue able to promote the overall development of the person, according to the ecological-dynamic approach and non-linear pedagogy in physical education, possible lines of methodological action-functional didactics to the design of representative learning environment able to favour the transfer process will be traced.
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