the new generations, starting from a type of teaching that, overcoming the separation of knowledge, privileges its interconnection and contextualization. Through the transversal teaching of Civic Education, introduced in the Italian school starting from the school year 2020/2021, education in critical thinking “takes shape”: in fact, the teacher, through various ideas for reflection on civic and social issues, ethical and environmental, must educate students in the use of critical thinking, in an era in which reality is mixed with fiction and where the so-called post-truth dominates the way of communicating, informing and discussing. Civic Education offers students the opportunity to tackle open, challenging problems drawn from the real world, from everyday life with the guidance of the teacher, an attentive, aware, reflective and flexible “guide” who teaches them to “read them” in the best possible way, favoring resolution through the attribution of meaning to thoughts, events and situations. Therefore, teacher training is necessary in order to promote the development of critical thinking: this was the goal of the training workshops on the cross-cutting teaching of Civic Education, proposed to teachers during the test year, by the “E. Fermi” in Aversa (CE), Campania school center for training (Ambito 08).
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