In the field of NBIC Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Infotechnology and Cognitive science, Neurosciences occupy vast areas of research. Technological developments in neuroscience open explorations of the brain and the NS, highlighting the connections with behaviour; recently neurotechnologies are also used in the world of sport through the use of the BCI brain-computer interface. In the context of neuroengineering, BCIs are oriented towards support systems for disabilities, but there are also non-clinical sectors, including sport, which see these neurotechnologies as a tool for applications and / or research. Several authors propose studies with the application of BCI in various sports; could sports betting be upset? Finally, the birth of Neuralink, a start-up by Elon Musk, which offers, through mini devices inserted with electrodes into the brain, to measure brain activities and / or regulate them, this opens up scenarios in need of bioethical discernment, particularly by those who work or educate, through sport. From all this a path of analysis is traced so that educational sport is not a utopia, and above all it does not become dystopia.
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