Davide Di Palma


Motor and sports education as a formative tool for young people is a topic of considerable interest in the sphere of pedagogical sciences and needs to continue research and studies aimed to experimenting new didactic protocols and new evaluation approaches that are able to enhance the potential educational interests rather than of a mere "performance" nature. In this regard, this research study aims to frame a suitable assessment scheme that is able to measure the formative and educational evolution generated by an experimental didactic protocol oriented for primary school children and based on motor and sport activity. This, at the same time, also through an innovative growth path of sport in the panorama of educational sciences. The research was conducted through the preparation of two homogenous groups of 100 children each, between 5 and 8 years of age; first group (sample group) followed the didactic experimentation and the second (control group) continued with the traditional didactic-training approach provided by their own schools. Finally, educational progress within and between groups was assessed and compared in order to analyze the related pedagogical considerations that emerged.


Motor and Sports Didactics; Experimental Pedagogy; Educational Evaluation; Innovative Research; Primary School

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296