Mattia Caterina Maietta, Antonio D'andria, Lucia Valentino


The school was created to train people: to socialize, to autonomy, to relationships; through physical activity and sport, the person grows on a physical, behavioral and relational level. At school it often happens that sports motor activity, whether it is carried out in the gym during dedicated hours, or whether it is proposed during the break and in open spaces, is experienced as a moment of discomfort and exclusion for children with motor, cognitive or sensory disabilities. The obstacles do not derive only from the pathological conditions of the children but also from the poor preparation of the teachers who take care of the hours of physical education in primary school, teachers without a degree in physical science. A further obstacle are families who exempt their children from activities for fear of possible injuries and the lack of specific inclusive regulations applied to all levels of education as well as the lack of adequate spaces and equipment.


Scuola, Integrazione, Strategie, School, Integration, strategies

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