The detainee must be considered a subject who can exercise his rights and, in the execution of the sentence, it is essential to create the conditions so that he no longer commits crimes, returned to freedom. The treatment must have as its purpose the development of the individual as a whole and be defined on the peculiar characteristics and needs of the individual. Detention deprives or restricts the freedom of the individual who nevertheless retains ownership of certain rights. The right to health includes different conditions that concern the medical aspect, the protection of psycho-physical integrity, living in a healthy environment, the possibility for the poor to access free care, the possibility of access to facilities. The denial of the right to health would imply that the rehabilitative purpose of the penalty would become exclusively punitive. Deprivation of liberty seems to be incompatible with the overall state of well-being of the person as the prison institution can be a pathogen that has the power to aggravate already existing pathologies or, determine the onset of new pathologies. In an order based on the re-educational aspect of punishment and on treatment contrary to the sense of humanity, it is essential to pay attention to the state of health of the prisoner, also as an indispensable prerequisite for his social reintegration.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296