Claudia Maulini, Enrico Miatto


Physical education is the most effective means of providing all children and youth with the skills, attitudes, values, knowledge and understanding for lifelong participation in society» (Unesco, 2013, p.6). The degree courses in Motor and Sport Sciences for the training of future EF teachers must adopt innovative methodologies, capable of promoting situated, experiential and practical learning in real life situations and in the social dynamics of the culture to which they belong. The Service Learning (SL) pedagogical-didactic model, capable of effectively combining the promotion of meaningful learning and civic engagement in trainee teachers in its proposal as a service to the community, has been receiving considerable attention in recent years. The article aims to present the Service Learning model and its application in university courses for Physical Education teacher training, through an analysis of best practices implemented in international academic contexts.


Service Learning; Physical Education; University; civic engagement

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