The evolution that has taken place in the last thirty years concerning technology has led to important changes in everyday life (Piceci, 2020). These changes moved the attention to the concept of digital technologies, in particular the tools daily used. The European Union has implemented various interventions to promote the dissemination of digital culture through the European Digital Agenda with its emanations in the individual states of the Union, focusing on the availability of IT resources both from an infrastructural and information points of view. Concerning the concept of digital skills, EU created a first document in 2013 (Ferrari, 2013) then updated in 2017 with digiCom 2.1 (Carretero, Vuorikari & Punie, 2017) with the purpose of making a clear enumeration and definition. This study, starting from DigiComp 2.1, presents the process of creation and validation of the Italian Questionnaire on Digital Citizenship Skills for Teachers (Questionario sulle Competenze della Cittadinanza Digitale - QCCD). The sample used is made up of 351 teachers or student training to become teachers. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed to study the replicability of the factor structure obtained by EFA and it showed satisfactory goodness of fit indices for the hypothesized one-factor structure. Chi square ( = 388.8, df = 189, p < .001) value and very positive goodness of fit indices (CFI = .988, TLI = .0987 SRMR = 0.069, RMSEA = 0.055). Results of content and construct validity were also adequate and complemented a very strong internal consistence of the measurement tool.
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