Giancarlo Gola


Several contributions have emerged from the research field in the sphere of experiences on Brain-Based Education and Neuroeducation models, while we have less evidence on the topic of the Teaching Brain. It is a concept that reflects the complex, dynamic and context-dependent nature of the learning brain. The assumptions underlying this construct suggest that by studying the teacher’s brain, classroom work with students can be improved. Starting with an exploratory review of the international literature on research related to the Teaching brain, we focus on the functions of the teacher’s brain and the implications it may have on the teaching-learning relationship and teaching practices. The Teaching Brain perspective implies the possibility that knowledge from these studies can help teachers in their work with students in the classroom, through different pedagogical choices. It is an under-explored and critical research topic, which may foster new reflections on teaching and interaction in educational processes.


Teaching Brain; Educational Neuroscience; Neuroeducation;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v5i2.389


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