Paola Damiani, Filippo Gomez Paloma


This work is part of the debate on the possible relationships between neuroscience and didactics, with reference to the close interrelation between evolutionary and educational processes and the assumption of the transversality of the corporeal, emotional and relational dimensions, with particular attention to situations of fragility and diversity. Starting from the analysis of some contributions of the literature (Rushton, Larkin 2001, Gomez Paloma, 2009), a re-reading of the principles of neuroscience recognized for their heuristic and applicative potential in the educational and didactic field is proposed, with the purpose of identifying an updated, consistent and functional reference framework for the realization of an inclusive and effective school model.  The approach of the Embodied Cognitive Science (ECS) and the model of the ECS-based schools (Gomez Paloma, Damiani, 2021) provides a path for the enhancement of the identified principles and their implementation in the actual school context.


Embodied Cognition; Curricolo; Inclusione; Scuole ECS

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296