Pilot Study in Youth Volleyball: Video analysis as a Didactic Tool

Salvatore Napolitano, Valentina Perciavalle, Antonio Ascione


Efficacy of the spike is important in volleyball score and efficiency of training process has a prior aim for coach, in the same time video analysis is used to purpose quantitative aspect of performance. Could be useful the use of performance as teaching method to improve single sport skills. The aim is to utilize this teaching methodology with visual feedback by video analysis to improve the technique model of spike. Methods is experimental and involve an under 21 women team, divided in control and experimental group, run of 10 training weeks while is going on the championship. Experimental group reviews itself by video without comments or helps of coach who evaluates specific technical aspects of spike by specific descriptors in check list of sport skill in presence of the athletes. The improvement of sports skills of control group is increased in minor percentage than of experimental group for difference of 12%. The different percentage could be attributed at the presence of the visual feedbacks in teaching training method. Data shows the future use of this tool in training and in physical education and not only for statistics or tactics scheme.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v0i2.36


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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296