How to promote the creative and sensitive dimension of the body in education at the time of Covid-19

Lucia Pallonetto, Carmen Palumbo


The current educational context has changed dramatically due to the health emergency with repercussions not only on physical health, but also on the social life of people. The latter have undergone an unexpectedly and unprecedented change, leading to an epochal upheaval, intended to affect all aspects of one’s life and, therefore, the way of conceiving teaching.

Therefore, it is urgent to adapt the teaching methods proposed to a formation in line with laboratory courses for the development of corporeality (Palumbo, 2015), which now appears mortified by the remoteness and rarefied physical contacts.

The Dad imposed by the new scenario requires to modify the learning practices so that they can implement transformation rather than training.

Contemporary knowledge must be imparted through experiential activities that do not make us forget our body and the infinite possibilities of inner progress and communication with a world in continuous evolution.

The transformation will be aimed not to upset our being during the pandemic, but to keep alive the possibility of the body to communicate and to cross the limits of the online setting (Gamelli I., et al.2020), discovering new resources within it.

The model for reorganizing educational contexts, according to experiential modalities, can be represented by educational dance, as it is created by a body in movement in time and in an editable space, by its nature not conceivable without the body itself (Merleau-Ponty, 2005).


Dance-education; pandemic; corporeity; distance learning.

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN: 2532-3296