Multicultural education and intercultural education are concepts that, although they are often used in an alternative way and almost as synonyms, have some intrinsic differences both in terms of geographical areas and socio-political conditions in which they are applied, and precisely in what they are used for it concerns the specific characteristics of the educational intervention. When it comes to multicultural education, this concept can take on many facets, even very different from each other. Similarly, the concept of intercultural education also mainly refers to intercultural relations, but often also in this case there are many aspects that are taken into consideration. In the meaning given by UNESCO, the approaches are different and that of intercultural education is more advanced: multicultural education uses learning from other cultures to produce acceptance, or at least tolerance, of these cultures. Intercultural education aims to go beyond coexistence, to achieve a developed and sustainable way of living together in multicultural society through the creation of understanding, respect and dialogue between different cultural groups.
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