The recent indications from the Cast highlight the systematic variability among students of learning styles while orienting teachers to the construction of a flexible curriculum within the various school segments. In particular, the UDL guidelines represent one of the examples of scaffolding, that is the set of help strategies that can be used by teachers to facilitate the learning process of an individual while creating an effective learning setting for everyone. On the other hand, "accessible pedagogy" as defined by Rose, Gravel and Gordon15 is based on the idea that teaching practice is developed in such a way as to be functional for everyone. Each point of the UDL framework is referred to as a checkpoint, in the three areas of the learning framework: 1) multiple means of involvement; 2) multiple means of representation; 3) multiple means of action of expression. Although the UDL framework is not directly related to the realm of sports practice, it can certainly be adapted by bringing examples for each of the areas of the UDL framework. According to the CAST there are three levels of achievement in each area that positively influence learning outcomes for students and contribute to an individual's motor literacy, they are: 1. Access; 2. Construction; 3. Internalization. It goes without saying that teachers need to compose all the useful elements so that the curriculum was accessible and flexible to ensure the inclusion of each and every one.
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PDF (Italiano)References
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v6i2.638
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296