This research wants to evaluate the possible repercussions that the pandemic period has produced on the eating behaviours of children aged between 8 and 11 years.
The time of the meal plays a fundamental role in the life of each of us. It is linked to the satisfaction of a physiological need, but also to a psychological and social one. Food is therefore a means by which individuals implement, even unconsciously, their communication strategies, satisfy their needs and live their emotions.
Because of the pandemic, schools have also had to implement new containment measures and, as a result, meal times have changed significantly. The sample, made up of 90 children from a primary school in Rome, showed the presence of 90% critical values in the eating behaviours, through the DEBQ-C. The future aim is the possible deepening of the topics in order to allow teachers and educators to make use of tools, in order to compensate for any children’s problems.
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