Guendalina Peconio, Marco di Furia, Dario Lombardi, Giusi Antonia Toto, Pierpaolo Limone


The introductory part of this article will focus on defining the methodological characteristics of the use of serious games (SGs) in education and training. Recently, these educational technologies, as well as digital games, have been used to allow students and professionals to acquire soft skills using a playful, competitive and interactive approach. In the second part of the paper, we will analyze how serious games are used in social life settings to promote inclusiveness and communication skills in subjectspredisposed to experiencing exclusion and isolation. In the final part, future perspectives will be discussed and described.


Serious games, education, inclusiveness, inclusion, educational games

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296