Clorinda Sorrentino, Angelina Vivona


The crucial role of teachers in education systems is undeniable as they are responsible for students’ involvement and the promotion of their learning.

Teachers’ professional growth is an important reason for promoting the widespread quality of education systems and, in its combination of poietic and ethical-social action (Pellerey, 1999), for the education of future generation also.

Based on these premises, the study made wanted to investigate the forces that move teachers to get trained, starting from the distinction made by Paparella between needs, desires, necessities (Paparella, 2012).

The research involves 442 students enrolled in masters and advanced courses in pedagogical subjects, aimed at teachers of all types of schools.

The questionnaire aims to investigate how extrinsic reasons (better earnings / career development) influence teacher training choices, to the detriment of study interests and personal inclinations.


Needs Analysis, didactic action, continuing education for teachers

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v6i1.560


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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296