Vittoria Molisso, Antonio Ascione


This work aims to analyze and observe the world of Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) within the context of Distance Learning (DL), by introducing and including all the components, expressions and even the consequences that impact on the individual, projected into this different educational dimension. Learning disorders, to date and in the past, have achieved a great resonance in education and training, reaching the possibility of being recognized and supported adequately and appropriately. People with Specific Learning Disorders can generally encounter, in their path of growth and evolution, difficulties in the processes of reading, writing or computing automation, and it often happens that these peculiarities are associated with each other. Frequently, these problems are linked to an experience of failure, assuming a rather relevant relational-emotional configuration and profile. In this sense, the use of distance learning should not in any way weigh on and constrain the educational path of these students, both in school and university; the basic educational goal should in all cases lead to the subject's well-being and overall balance. Consequently, this assumption brings with it that the structuring of a poorly functional and inadequate educational condition could cause and represent an obstacle to the subject's growth and knowledge path.


Specific Learning Disorders, didactics, distance learning, university, school, learning, education, training

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v5i1.308


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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296