The Importance of Sociological Theories in the Comprehension and Re-education of Deviant Minors

Margot Zanetti


Deviance is an intrinsic phenomenon of societies and has been dealt with in different ways throughout history. Its expression and definition depend on the social context and indeed it was sociology that gave it its contemporary definition and came to grips with it specifically. The sociology of deviance has developed different models for understanding the phenomenon, focusing also on acts committed by very young people. The aim of this work is to help illustrate that some of these theories, such as anomie and strain theories, the theory of differential opportunities and the labelling approach, can be beneficial for the educator, too often not adequately formed even in the pedagogy of deviance. Deviants are those with whom she will have to deal most. It is therefore perhaps useful to remember the importance of the social sparring among minors and how it is an essential variable to be taken into consideration in re-educational work.

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