The present study wants to stress UDL’s (Hall et al., 2012; Meyer et al., 2014) opportunity to become an effective operational perspective for the creation of practical inclusive educational scenarios. The implementation of this paradigm would basically show how to best valorize diversity (Cottini, 2014; Ghedin & Mazzocut, 2017; Ianes, 2005; 2016) by reconsidering learning contexts and approaches as well as by promptly proposing learning designs that can adequately match each pupil’s skills and abilities. The research the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria has carried out involved Special Needs students from its 6th educational active training course and is looking to implement inclusivity through co-building, co-designing and co-assessing activities based on the pedagogic principles of UDL. This contribution offers a useful opportunity to consider adopting new approaches that could focus human actions by entering each learner's subjectivity as well as designing educational approaches suitable for all learners.
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ISSN printed: 2532-3296