Matteo Adamoli, Elisa Carraro, Marco Emilio, Eloheh Mason, Sonia Migliore, Enrico Miatto


The datafication, starting with the spread of digital artefacts in schools, has opened up research fronts intercepting the study of educational practices, involving teachers and students, in a citizenship framework. In the Italian context, law no. 92/2019 introduces the transversal teaching of civic education that looks both at participatory citizenship for the appropriate use of digital technologies, and at the management and protection of the data produced by the same technologies. Starting from the design of a digital civic education training course for secondary schools, which considers the critical reflection on mainstream digital platforms and experiments with an open-source civic participation platform using digital technology, the contribution aims to report the intermediate results of a case study involving 60 students and 15 teachers from a technical high school.


civic education; digital platforms; digital skills, datification

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