In planning the educational offer, the educator/teacher must consider the emerging neuroscientific evidence concerning the multi-codic language of the mind and the peculiarity of each evolutionary trajectory. After framing the different multi-codic influences that characterize the formation of brain configurations (two examples are reported: one linked to the cognitive sphere and one linked to motor skills and corporeality), the consequent peculiarity of each student or person in training is underlined. In the second part of the paper, a survey conducted with 440 teachers of the first and second cycle school during the second semester of the A.S. 2020/2021. The survey was conducted through the administration of the “Questionnaire for the detection of neuro-didactic practices” and aims to measure the level of knowledge and use of the neuro-educational and neuro-didactic principles in the teaching practice of teachers. With respect to the five areas investigated (transversal, cognitive, socio-affective, linguistic and praxic-motor), the most significant results are discussed regarding the programming of activities and teaching material, taking into consideration some neuro-educational principles concerning the multi-codic functioning of the brain.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296