Cross-media technologies, which externalize and speed up cognitive abilities through social networks and play platforms, contribute to the co-generation of complex forms of exchange, interaction, collaboration and co-production of thoughts in action. The social restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has underscored the need for social connectivity in web-public contexts and for the continuation of playful-recreational and work interfaces. This immersive approach has highlighted the educational need to reconsider the uses of such shared gaming spaces. This includes the reflection on eco-sustainability regarding the immersive mass application of mediums and playful typizations such as electronic sports (eSports) with a highly attractive potential for impact on lifestyles, which require careful reinvestment in a pedagogy of authentic time. Flipped inclusion, experimented at the University of Salerno since 2014 for its design mission of systemic inclusiveness, with a modular and recursive organization which, in retracing the perspective of computational thinking and the transversal network approach, represents a possible model of application of gamification logic in academic teaching through eSports. This is where the epistemological assumptions of the new multidimensional study of the University of Salerno lie, which was born as a segment of international research on eSports in the academy, coordinated by The University of Texas at Tyler.
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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics
ISSN printed: 2532-3296