Distance Learning and Pedagogical Rights

Elsa Maria Bruni


The exceptional circumstances generated by the pandemic have led, among the main consequences, to a reconfiguration of teaching in schools and universities. In general, the continuity of educational practices has been ensured through an emergency response mainly relying on digital learning technologies. 

This analysis builds on the issues that have emerged during the pandemic, on the needs and shortcomings – existing at different levels as well as on multiple levels (cultural, structural, professional, organizational, and systemic ones) – of the whole education system. The paper thus highlights that the difficulties in dealing with the educational crisis, which was already evident before the pandemic, are mostly due to the inadequacy of the epistemic structure of current pedagogy. By examining the main limits of the science of education, the author presents a possible approach to rethink education, as well as pedagogy, starting from the subjects of education and from the real needs for human formation.


Distance Learning, Pedagogy, Cultural Crisis, Human Formation, Reform of Education.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v4i4_si.289


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ISSN printed: 2532-3296