Antonio Ascione, Maria Giovanna Tafuri


The combination of green space - physical and mental condition promotes physical and social well-being (Bonaiuto et al., 2022). This condition is capable of influencing cognitive development from an early age, so formal contexts, such as the educational institution, must necessarily act and ensure adequate educational action. The association between the use of green space and cognitive development must necessarily involve the use of the body as an educative medium (Ceciliani, 2019).

The educational and formative value of the body is now recognized in Italian primary schools (Bortolotti, Ceciliani, 2010), even if until a few years ago motor activity was provided exclusively through projects promoted by C.O.N.I. in collaboration with the former M.I.U.R. Law no. 234 of 2021 gives greater value to physical education in primary school as the figure of the graduate teacher specialized in motor activity is recognized. This study was based on 93 pupils aged between 8 and 10 years of heterogeneous social background from a primary school in the province of Lecce. In particular, it was conducted in four fifth classes of the primary school in the school year 2022/2023. The extent to which the use of green spaces can positively influence learners' attention and working memory was assessed.


Schhola, green spaces, cognitive development, learning environment, physical education

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
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