Alfonso Filippone, Mara Ferulli, Antonio Bevilacqua


The concept of the metaverse has been gaining immense attention and traction above all in the entertainment, social interaction and commerce sectors. However, its potential extends far beyond these areas, significantly affecting the field of education. In the virtual world of the metaverse, the reality boundaries of physical space and the limitations of the human body are transcended, offering unprecedented opportunities for structuring engaging, interactive and highly effective learning environments. This paradigm shift has the potential to revolutionize education, making it more engaging, accessible and tailored to individual needs. On the basis of these reflections, this paper explores the transformative potential of the metaverse in the field of teaching, didactics and special pedagogy, shedding light on its capacity to reshape traditional learning environments.



Virtual Worlds; Eduverse; Virtual Learning Environments; Innovative Teaching Methods.

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN: 2532-3296