Francesca Latino, Francesco Tafuri, Vittoria Molisso


The educational sphere, within which the exchange between elements of teaching and learning takes place, includes a linear structure of knowledge transmission and a circular dimension of personal development and evolution of skills, which imply a proneutrality that spreads within the school walls. Thus, effective didactics will have to work on different aspects and at different levels, so that the individual can strengthen his or her ability to regulate and self-regulate his or her own skills and potential as appropriately as possible, while simultaneously fostering the conscious development of personal, relational, and social attitudes. In this sense, this work aims to analyze the skills and competences that can foster the new generation in their self-actualization.


teaching skills, learning, special pedagogy

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296