Guendalina Peconio, Leonardo Palmisano, Francesca Finestrone, Giusi Antonia Toto


In the era of Revolution 4.0, technological changes have brought about a major impact on the world of production and thus work. The skills that, in the knowledge society, are required of the worker are closely related to social and human capital development. Curiosity, initiative, adaptability, leadership, social and cultural awareness are just some of the life and career skills declined through EntreComp.

To promote these skills, it is necessary to reverse the verticality between teacher and student in order to enhance experiences and creativity and promote learning methodologies based on collaboration and problem solving. This paper aims, therefore, at a state-of-the-art analysis of the present situation, in the national and European landscape, with respect to entrepreneurship education and the skills needed for the enhancement of human capital in the 21st century.


entrepreneurship education, teacher training, human capital

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