Martina Albanese, Giuseppa Compagno


The boost provided by Brain-based studies is a source of inspiration and change for teaching and for teacher training (Gola, 2022). Reflection and self-reflection on the practices and methodological-didactic choices introduced in the classroom deserve careful analysis and a systematic and continuous assessment of educational procedures, methods and principles aimed at promoting the educational success of each learner (Albanese, Compagno, 2022).

This contribution is placed in this perspective, which moves from a research project, already started in 2021, at the SPPEFF Department of the University of Palermo, and aimed at defining strategies and tools for the evaluation of neuroeducation activities for the development of some methodological-didactic skills of the first cycle schoolteacher, with respect to five areas of neuroeducation interest: transversal, cognitive, socio-emotional, expressive, and motor.



euroeducation; teaching skills; teacher training

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