Lucia Pallonetto, Rosanna Perrone, Carmen Palumbo


The pandemic from Covid-19 has determined many consequences, both in the cognitive and in the psycho-emotional and motor, above all because the experience crossed has marked the evolutionary phase, or the growth during the adolescence, of the young people of our time.

The research aims to analyze the levels of self-esteem and well-being of adolescents, evaluated through the multidimensional test of self-esteem (Braken, 1992).

Based on this analysis, self-esteem can be considered as a response mechanism, assimilated over time, with a predictive value regarding the behaviors to come. The study was conducted on the convenience sample of 252 students (12 and 13 years), attending first grade secondary school. The results were interpreted significantly in regulatory terms.

Since corporeality determines, in many of its manifestations, precisely the development of the individual’s social abilities and therefore of his relationships, our study wants to focus on the essential contribution that the school can make, to the young learner, regarding his social abilities, thinking and awareness of bodily potential, in order to prepare him to face the challenges and unforeseen events of his life in an adaptive way.


Test TMA; Corporeality; self-esteem

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN: 2532-3296