Alessio Di Paolo, Veronica Beatini, Michele Domenico Todino, Stefano Di Tore


The field of new technologies is constantly in evolution. It requires continuous training for anyone wishing to access it for research purposes. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which now permeates every aspect of society, is a growing research area that requires to be explored in depth. It is also gradually finding its way into the world of education, being used as a teaching aid to work with learners, especially those with Special Educational Needs. Therefore, the interest is to be directed towards the strategies and the methods used to improve the special teaching-learning process. Using methodologies centred on play, as well as through operational paths that use arts and music, can increase the motivation and the learning process. Thus, the connection of such means with AI can prove to be an alternative, vicarious, non-linear method of working, capable of stimulating the different forms of child’s intelligence. In this contribution we will try to examine the possible connection that can be made, specifically, between Musical Intelligence, introduced by Gardner, and AI. Using AI programmes focused on music, hybrid activities can be created, capable of stimulating Musical Intelligence in the child.


Artificial Intelligence; Musical Intelligence; Inclusion; Special Education; Hybrid Education;

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ISSN printed: 2532-3296