Lucia Campitiello, Aldo Caldarelli, Michele Domenico Todino, Pio Alfredo Di Tore, Stefano Di Tore, Amelia Lecce


In recent years, several studies have been conducted to examine the use of virtual reality within museums to aid in the process of teaching and learning about cultural heritage. This contribution aims to illustrate the nitial phases of the development of a virtual museum inspired by the principles of Universal Design for Learning in order to create an immersive environment that is accessible to everyone, particularly those with special educational needs. More specifically, a virtual museum was created using the 3D digital assets of the excavated archeological remains available at the National Sannio Caudino Archeological Museum in Benevento and the Archeological Museum of Carife in the province of Avellino. The article focuses on cultural accessibility, examining the potential of virtual reality systems to create an inclusive environment that makes communication dynamic and accessible to a heterogenous audience.



virtual reality; educational museum; inclusion; accessibility

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