Claudia Chellini, Alessia Rosa, Roberto Frabetti


During their first three years of life children develop important socioemotional skills that can find in cultural experiences an important educational support.

Among the possible cultural realities in which children can experience theatrical can boast a recent but structured tradition.

But what exactly is the educational role of theatre aimed at the youngest? Does it serve to train tomorrow’s audience or rather to grow today’s audience? And what kind of theatre should we offer to children between zero and three years old? Shows they can watch or workshops in which to play the theatre? The aim of this contribution is to describe some peculiar features of the theatre aimed at the very young children, starting from the experience of La Baracca di Bologna, putting them in relation to research on the development of social relational skills.


theatre, early childhood education, body, teatro, prima infanzia, nido, corpo

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