Martina Albanese


Among the 10 skills that require updating and training, the World Economic Forum (2020) placed communication in second place. An effective communication process between the different educational agencies has significant benefits for all the actors involved in the learning/teaching process: on students, parents, and teachers (Garcìa Bacete & Traver, 2010). From this perspective, communication becomes the fertile ground of encounter and the foundation of every community (Pati, 1984, p. 61). Acquiring or enhancing communication skills can be the key to sustaining the school-family educational relationship. As part of this study on the school-family relationship, an in-depth study has been developed on the relationship between school and non-indigenous families. This paper discusses the results of a survey that aimed to understand what type of communication parents of other nationalities than Italians carry out. Reflecting on how parents perceive their communication skills could open reflections and possible training actions to be undertaken.



alleanza educativa; genitori non autoctoni; competenza comunicativa; soft skills.

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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296