Cristiana De Santis, Lucia Martiniello, Clorinda Sorrentino


The contribution presents a case study conducted, between 2019 and 2021, in a lower secondary school in Rome that adopted the DADA model (Didactics for Learning Environments) from the 2016-2017 school year and that from the year 2019-2020, saw the adoption of the iPad as an everyday digital learning device. The DADA model is presented as a pedagogical-didactic and organizational innovation: it is structured around the classroom-learning environment, which is assigned to one or two teachers of the same school subject and who thus have the possibility to furnish the environment according to the needs of their subject matter, often in collaboration with students; who move from one classroom to another according to their daily school schedule. The DADA stands out from other pedagogical innovations precisely for its “choral” approach that involves students, teachers, school staff, parents and the local territory. This study analyzes the relationships that the school has established with the family, investigating the point of view of teachers through a focus group and nine individual interviews conducted online with teachers representing the school subjects of the lower secondary school and the point of parental view investigated via a questionnaire administered online. The results show that the trust between the two "educational agencies" is a determining factor in establishing positive relationships for the academic success of students.


Modello DADA; Didattica innovativa; alleanza educativa scuola-famiglie; studio di caso; DADA Model; Innovative didactics; School-families educational alliance; Case study

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