Davide Di Palma


Among the main factors that can affect the success or failure of processes aimed at school inclusion, scientific literature identifies also those inherent in teachers' attitudes and fears regarding disability, and the tasks peculiar to their figure as educators. Starting from this perspective, this research paper reports the results of an experimental study on the attitudes and fears of a group of teachers undergoing training for specialization in educational support activities for disabled students. The results of the survey carried out reveal the importance of this issue and the need to stimulate new studies in this area. In fact, indications have emerged about the critical issues and the main dynamics peculiar to such a difficult role as that of supporting a person with disabilities, bringing to light the emotional-relational and experiential aspects on which to focus more in order to perform the training processes for future educators in the field of special pedagogy.


Disability, Support Teacher, Education, Special Pedagogy, School

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32043/gsd.v6i2.622


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Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics 
ISSN printed: 2532-3296