Eugenia Treglia, Rosella Tomassoni, Monica Alina Lungu


Aim of this work is to reflect on what neurobiology, cognitive sciences and psychoanalysis have understood about intersubjectivity and the organization of the mind in autism spectrum disorder integrating principles and constructs of the different approaches in order to outline new perspectives for intervention also in the educational field. Autism spectrum disorders, like all complex phenomena, in fact, require multiple points of view that reflect the variety and unpredictability of evolutionary dynamics and outcomes (Contini, 2012; Canevaro, 2013). The study of these disorders  in an integrated perspective also favors not only the knowledge of atypical mental functioning but also, as Kandel (2018) points out, the understanding of normal mental processes and this has a great impact on educational practices. The study of intersubjectivity today represents a common basis for a constructive dialogue between neuroscience and psychoanalysis, providing large sharing areas for the study of interpersonal relationships and the implementation of interventions aimed at developing affective, communicative and emotional potential.


Pedagogy, autism, Psychanalysisi, neuroscience

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